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Prof. Kev Nair

Prof. Kev Nair, "the eminent philosopher-poet and English language authority" - Competition Success Review.

Bhagavad Gita Quotes

Whoever stays intentionally unmoved by dualities is in the state of true self-knowledge, & in the peace & calm it brings. - See Bhagavad Gita, 4.36.

Copyright © Kev Nair 2009.

For more Bhagavad Gita quotes from Prof. Kev Nair, click here.

Eastern Philosophy

The Bhagavad-Gita of Inner Courage
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Prof. Kev Nair's
The Bhagavad-Gita of Inner Courage

- Price: Rs.595.00 Rs.535.00
- Paperback.
- 1st Edition. Collector's Edition.
- Crown 1/8, Pages 307.
- Top-quality paper, Excellent printing.
- Extensively annotated, cross-referenced & indexed.
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• "This is one of the rare publications on the Bhagavad Gita, wherein the stamp of assiduous research is evident." - THE HINDU.
• "A product of 10 years of the professor’s intense research... all the 700 verses have a consistent metrical scheme. As you read them, the lines develop a swing of their own... Kev Nair... has made every effort to make his Gita suited for reading aloud, to be enjoyed to the fullest... faithful to the original... On the whole, the translation does not force you to see the Gita from a particular angle and then make you think that the partial picture is the complete picture..."
- The New Indian Express.
• "Scholarly and fluid" - THE HINDU Business Line.
• "While other translations and commentaries have presented the Gita mainly from a particular angle alone (like jnana, karma or bhakti), Prof. Nair’s work is the first ever translation that presents the Gita in its true wholeness."
- Competition Success Review.
• "An excellent publication, which throws a lot of light on the inner meanings of the scriptural verses, with quotations from commentators like Sankara and Ramanuja, thus making a very useful addition to the literature facilitating study of the Bhagavad Gita." - THE HINDU.
• "Easy-to-read and easy-to-understand" - The New Indian Express.
• "There is nothing archaic about this version of the Bhagawad-Gita. KEV Nair has been at it for more than ten years. Extensive research on the content, language used in translations and the interpretations gave shape to this version... The words used are simple so that everybody can understand the contents... It is easy on the reader and does not put you off... For the message to be clear while making the language as simple as possible, Nair slogged for years, rewriting and discarding many versions... Years of hard work... LAUDABLE EFFORT..."
• "Exuberantly rhythmic. Prof. Nair has translated every verse by using simple, straightforward English in such a simple and straightforward way as to make even their hidden meanings clear. His language, style and tone are noble."
- Competition Success Review.
• "Faithful to the original." - The New Indian Express.

Prof. Kev Nair’s Bhagavad-Gita of Inner Courage is the world’s first work that lets you see the Gita as a single whole – unified by this singleness of focus – rather than as a mixture of several teachings. More

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